When in doubt, just wear black
Ok, riddle me this. How am I supposed to deal with this most humiliating of experiences such as I faced this afternoon?
Scene: A busy restaurant catering only to a lunch crowd. People are waiting for their orders at the counter, some are sitting. Pog, our protaganist, is waiting in a line for her tuna special. Ahead of her is a man, mid-30's, in a "Gillian"-style hat. He is accompanied by a woman who seems to be in her early 60's (his mother?).
Man: Hello.
Pog: (a little startled at the abruptness of the start of the conversation) Hello. How are you?
Man: Fine. How are you?
Pog: I am doing ok.
At this point, Pog notices the older women looking over nervously at the young man. Pog begins to sense there is more here than meets the eye.
Man: That is a nice shirt. What color is that shirt? Pink?
Pog has come to the realization that this man is developmentally challenged. He is now staring full on at her chest in a form fitting T-Shirt.
Pog: Yes, it is pink with some shiny things on it.
This particular T-Shirt has decorative lettering on it, mostly written backwards or upside down. The man is now trying to read her right breast.
Man: (moving his nose closer to her chest leaving only about 7 inches between the tip of his nose and her nipple) What does that say?
Pog: (holding her shirt away from her body) I don't know. I never tried to read it. I think it is just for show.
Man: I can see the letter N and I see the letter W.
Pog: I think that word is NEW that you are looking at but I don't think the people that made the shirt expected you to really read it. It is just a design.
Man: There is an R and an L.
Pog: There sure is. There are a lot of letters on the shirt.
Man's Mother (or whoever the heck she was): Ok, Jimmy. It's time to go. Say good bye.
Man: Good bye. Have a nice time.
Pog: Good bye Jimmy.
Well, it was about time. I was frantically trying to think up something to distract this man-child from making my cleavage the subject of a dissertation. My jaw still hurts from the smile that I pasted on my face so that no one would think I was uncomfortable in the situation.
This is the kind of stuff that happens to me all of the time. You have an uncomfortable situation that needs someone to absorb the discomfort while everyone else avoids eye contact? Call Pog! You need someone to feel bad about the person everyone else is steering clear of? Pog is your girl!
If you need me, I'll be picking out all of the embroidered logos out of the ass pockets of my jeans, lest I meet Jimmy again.
I get the same thing. I swear we're related somehow.
developmentally challenged, my ass. that bloke knew exactly what he was doing.
HAHA!! I enjoyed this post! And sorry I played myself off as being a developmentally challenged bloke named Jimmy...I was just trying to check you out, Pog.
- D.
i think sage may be right. hey, did jimmy's hat look at all like sage's...?
Dim/Sage/Fresh - you guys are funny. You guys are the ones who would be sniggering in the background ;-)
Hotwire - now that you mention it, Jimmy's hat looked EXACTLY like Sage's in his photo!
This happens to me too. I'm too nice sometimes.
This must be a woman thing, because retarded guys always talk to me too and stare at my chest.
Ladies - we are too nice, I guess, but I guess we don't want the kid (although he was in his 30's) to feel bad.
Rosie - great point! and very funny!
maybe there's just very little difference between retarded guys and regular guys when it comes to reading chests.
Ah, you handled it sooo well. You are a good person! Maybe the guy thought he was dyslexic but then got really confused when he read your shirt.
Today, the AC man was coming over to give a quote (and no, that's not code talk for something dirty!), and I had just gotten out of the shower, and needed to pull on a t-shirt to go downstairs. No bra, in a hurry, so I grab a dark colored t shirt with my favorite band (local band--the one I posted about last week) on it. Small font type with the name of the band, dark color shirt to camoflauge the boobies until I could get a proper undergarment on. Good disguise I thought.
So I go downstairs to let this guy in, and the first thing, the absolute first words out of his mouth were: "You're a Poi Dog fan?"
I'm like, "Could you be any more obvious that you are totally staring at the place where i'm trying to camoflague my boobies!!!!
Too funny that we both had boobie-shirt experiences today!
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